Everyone loves a good local and the Railway Hotel in South Melbourne has gone from strength to strength lately and it’s getting hard to cook from home when they can offer you a damn good meal every night of the week and some nights for a ridiculously good price. Mondays nights are $10 pastas, Tuesdays are $14 Parmas and Weds is $15 steaks… thats half the week covered for less than $50 each!
There is always a friendly face and a nice glass of wine waiting and now that the sunshine is coming there is a great beer garden too.
The parma is fantastic, it’s not stupidly over sized, it’s still more than a healthy portion but we must embrace parma night and all it’s greatness with a decent portion of salad and chips. What more could you want on a Tuesday night!
Far out the steaks are good for the money, when South Melbourne is being invaded by crazy publicans thinking we’ll pay over $40 for a pub steak these guys are serving a good piece of meat cooked really well – or medium rare for me!
Always impressed with the Railway Hotel, we are lucky this is just a short walk for a good feed.