Being a member, or scoring a guest pass has it’s privileges with a view like that! The unassuming Mordy HQ offers pokies, members offers, crazy reasonable priced bar and a seniors offering for those in their mature years. But most of all the deck offers a view of the most amazing sunset across the sea. Shame it’s also where the dirty smokers congregate when you are trying to eat.
The menu is good quality, reasonable priced pub fare with steaks, fish, nachos, pasta, stir fry and parmas. The fish comes fried or grilled and with salad, chips or veggies and it’s a fabulous dish with the healthy grilled option, with a generous amount of lightly grilled fish fillets and plenty of good salad and greens.
Hubby’s parma is fabulous, big, deep, beautiful white chicken with a crumb coating and tomato and cheese with yummy hot chips and a little side salad – oh I could eat that right now!!!
It’s easy going, you can take the family and relax and enjoy some decent grub and well… that view! Bliss!