So we are on a ‘gut healing’ journey – apparently my digestive system has been shutting down and miss-firing for sometime now. I visited an amazing Chinese Doctor who took a quick read of my pulse and then looked at my tongue and promptly told me I was definitely not ok!!! But the good news is the chronic pain and fatigue that I had just tolerated for so long were in fact completely curable if I de-stressed my gut and improved my overall well being. She has taught me a lot over the last few weeks and the removal of wheat from my diet has worked wonders, we had to compromise, I would give up wheat if I could keep my wine!! So 6 weeks later I am feeling pretty damn good, my body has changed, the tension and stress are easing and the pain usually lurking in my neck and shoulders has almost completely gone, my head is clearer and I have lost some weight too! Changing my diet to rid the stodge, fat, processed ‘shit’, eating fresh and gorgeous has shockingly made me feel great and I have been cooking up a storm! GET ON WITH THE RECIPE!!!!
Ok here we go! Adapted from a Pinterest recipe the Almond and coconut milk with the pumpkin and cinnamon add a really sweet taste and the walnuts give good texture.
1 cup x pumpkin purée (mine was leftover roast pumpkin from dinner)
1 1/2 x cup of oats
1/2 cup x honey
1/2 cup x Almond and coconut milk
1/2 cup x walnuts
1/4 cup x Sunflower Seeds
1/2 cup x Almomd Meal
1 tsp x baking powder
1 tsp x ground cinnamon
Pinch of salt
Put the oats in a food processor and whiz up so they are roughly ground up.
Add remaining ingredients and process to a chunky pastey consistency.
Grease a 12 hole muffin tin and fill the holes (they don’t rise or spread much) I get about 8 from the recipe.
Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for about 30 mins or until the tops are crusting and brown.
Leave to cool and then pop them out and enjoy!!